
How data sovereignty as a design principle can turbocharge business growth

GDPR [in Europe] was just the beginning. Before GDPR, we lived in a data economy that didn’t always respect the individual. In fact, if you were using a free app, it was probably fair to say that your data was the price for downloading it. And it’s easy to see these kinds of regulations things […]

How data sovereignty as a design principle can turbocharge business growth Read More »

Comment optimiser et décarboner un site web ?

Pourquoi optimiser un site internet : un gain écologique, mais aussi économique S’il n’a jamais été aussi facile de créer des sites web, il n’y a jamais eu autant de sites lourds à charger. Ces sites web demandent davantage de ressources serveur ainsi que des téléphones, tablettes et ordinateurs plus rapides. L’optimisation de ces sites web

Comment optimiser et décarboner un site web ? Read More »

Very Tech Trip: the adventure is just beginning!

Very Tech Trip: the adventure is just beginning!

On February 2nd, 2023, we held our first tech convention, the Very Tech Trip. Thanks to your participation, we were delighted to have a full house at La Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie in Paris, for the first edition of this event dedicated to technology enthusiasts. Lots of you attended the 80 tech sessions

Very Tech Trip: the adventure is just beginning! Read More »

Metal Instances: the power of Bare Metal and the automation of the cloud with pay-as-you-go 

Metal Instances: the power of Bare Metal and the automation of the cloud with pay-as-you-go 

We have announced the General Availability of Metal Instances and it’s a major milestone for OVHcloud. Considering that we have shipped more than 1 million physical servers since our inception in 1999 and that our market recognition continues to get stronger (see OVHcloud positioned in the “Major Players” Category in IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Public Cloud

Metal Instances: the power of Bare Metal and the automation of the cloud with pay-as-you-go  Read More »

Very Tech Trip - Planifiez votre journée : le choix, sans l'embarras

Very Tech Trip – Planifiez votre journée : le choix, sans l’embarras

Vous connaissez tous les personas, ces personnages fictifs inventés pour orienter la conception d’un logiciel sur les besoins des utilisateurs ? La méthode, popularisée par le développeur Alan Cooper — qui est aussi le père du langage visual Basic — déborde aujourd’hui largement le seul monde du software. La preuve :  pour concevoir la convention

Very Tech Trip – Planifiez votre journée : le choix, sans l’embarras Read More »

Why Moving to PaaS became an essential step for the industry

Why Moving to PaaS became an essential step for the industry

The Cloud Computing Market is in constant grow and the pace of migration of IT workloads is expecting to drastically grow over the next few years. Despite there is still a high percentage of traditional servers to support some IT services, the move into Private and Public Solution (Hybrid and Multi) seems the way most

Why Moving to PaaS became an essential step for the industry Read More »

Very Tech Trip : tout ce que vous devez savoir avant d'embarquer!

Very Tech Trip : tout ce que vous devez savoir avant d’embarquer!

Parmi les bonnes résolutions de l’année 2023, que l’on imagine nombreuses, il en est une immanquable pour les développeurs et la communauté tech au sens large : se retrouver et retrouver les équipes d’OVHcloud au VeryTechTrip, le nouvel évènement tech organisé par OVHcloud qui se déroulera le jeudi 2 février à la Cité des Sciences

Very Tech Trip : tout ce que vous devez savoir avant d’embarquer! Read More »

Feedback on the summer e-sports event — ZLAN

Feedback on an e-sports event — ZLAN

3 days, 11 games, 200 participants, 80 streams What is ZLAN? ZLAN is a gaming event based in France, and is one of the world’s most unique e-sports competitions. With its TV-show format, its production quality matches some of the biggest e-sports productions across the globe. The event has a quirky, off-the-wall vibe, and stands

Feedback on an e-sports event — ZLAN Read More »