
Simplify your research experiments with Kubernetes

Simplify your research experiments with Kubernetes

Abstract As a researcher I need to conduct experiments to validate my hypotheses. When the field of Computer Science is involved, it is well known that practitioners tend to drive experiments on different environments (at the hardware level: x86/arm/…, CPU frequency, available memory, or at the software level: operating system, versions of libraries). The problem

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AI at OVHcloud

Academics and OVH: an AI-centric collaboration

At OVH, our innovation process stimulates internal collaboration. We have seen this with frugal innovation, but also externally with SMEs, schools or laboratories. An example of collaboration with academics is a particular thesis launched this year, about Artificial Intelligence, which focused on Automated Machine Learning field. Collaborative research at OVH through a thesis A CIFRE

Academics and OVH: an AI-centric collaboration Read More »

La certification HDS expliquée à nos clients OVH Healthcare

Rappel du contexte Fin 2016, OVH a obtenu l’agrément pour l’hébergement de données de santé sur l’offre Private Cloud. Cet agrément est valable jusqu’au 24 octobre 2019. Durant toute la durée de cet agrément, les clients de l’offre OVH Healthcare s’appuyaient sur OVH pour respecter la loi. Après avoir accepté les conditions particulières de l’offre, ils

La certification HDS expliquée à nos clients OVH Healthcare Read More »

DepC by OVHcloud

Introducing DepC: the OVH platform for computing QoS

At OVH, our first mission as a cloud service provider is to provide products with high quality of service (QoS). Whether they are dedicated servers, cloud servers or hosted websites, our customers expect our solutions to be very high quality. And that’s exactly what our teams strive to offer you on a daily basis! It’s

Introducing DepC: the OVH platform for computing QoS Read More »

Web hosting: How to migrate 3 Million web sites?

In previous articles, we saw what are the operational and techniques constraints of the migration project of our data center in Paris. If you have not followed everything on our technical constraints, I invite you to reread the article presenting the infrastructure of our web hosting. We built our migration scenarios by taking these constraints

Web hosting: How to migrate 3 Million web sites? Read More »

Private Cloud en cours de qualification SecNumCloud

OVH est officiellement en cours de qualification pour son offre Private Cloud. Cette première étape formelle dans le projet de qualification est l’occasion de faire un point sur le dispositif mis en place pour aligner son offre avec les exigences élevées du référentiel SecNumCloud dans l’objectif de fournir un cloud de confiance reconnu comme tel

Private Cloud en cours de qualification SecNumCloud Read More »

OVHcloud and Binder

MyBinder and OVH partnership

Last month, OVH and Binder team partnered together in order to support the growth of the BinderHub ecosystem around the world. With approximately 100,000 weekly users of the mybinder.org public deployment and 3,000 unique git repositories hosting Binder badges, the need for more resources and computing time was felt. Today, we are thrilled to announce

MyBinder and OVH partnership Read More »

Linux Kernel Vulnerabilities Affecting The Selective ACK Component

On June 18th 2019 at 7pm CEST, 4 vulnerabilities have been disclosed affecting the TCP stack of the Linux kernel. These vulnerabilities relies on an integer overflow in the Linux kernel which can lead to a kernel panic on one hand, and on an algorithmic complexity in the SACK implementation leading to CPU resource exhaustion

Linux Kernel Vulnerabilities Affecting The Selective ACK Component Read More »