OVHcloud Engineering

Follow our adventurous engineering team through the various Tech universe they discover and share on through and for the technical communities

The largest dedicated storage option so far…

The largest dedicated storage option so far…

Let me introduce you to OVHcloud’s latest and largest storage server, the HGR-STOR-2.Based on our High-Grade server architecture, it offers up to 1,428TB of raw storage. But how did we achieve that? We coupled our dedicated server to a 4U JBOD enclosure containing 50 or 102, 14TB SATA drives. The head server is a dual […]

The largest dedicated storage option so far… Read More »

Website security: A vital factor to maintain

Website security: A vital factor to maintain

Even at the dawn of the internet, when its adoption was still very confidential, the first cyberattacks were already happening. The very first cyberattack appears to have taken place as early as 1988, when only a few tens of thousands of computers were connected to the internet. These days, these attacks are common and more

Website security: A vital factor to maintain Read More »

Use TrilioVault to help you backup and restore your OVHcloud Managed Kubernetes cluster

You are probably already familiar with our managed Kubernetes offer, and the comfort provided by not having to manage administration. But what is your backup and restore strategy? It is important to be aware that in the event of failure of your infrastructure other than those related to the engine, you are responsible for your

Use TrilioVault to help you backup and restore your OVHcloud Managed Kubernetes cluster Read More »

A journey into the wondrous land of Machine Learning, or “Cleaning data is funnier than cleaning my flat!” (Part 3)

A journey into the wondrous land of Machine Learning, or “Cleaning data is funnier than cleaning my flat!” (Part 3)

What am I doing here? The story so far… As you might know if you have read our blog for more than a year, a few years ago, I bought a flat in Paris. If you don’t know, the real estate market in Paris is expensive but despite that, it is so tight that a

A journey into the wondrous land of Machine Learning, or “Cleaning data is funnier than cleaning my flat!” (Part 3) Read More »

The security challenges of cloud-based high-performance workloads

The security challenges of cloud-based high-performance workloads

The security of sensitive information has long been a major concern for organisations. With an increasing amount of data stored electronically, the challenge of keeping personally identifiable and commercially sensitive data secure has become even more pressing — especially with so much of it now stored and processed in the cloud. And, while public sector

The security challenges of cloud-based high-performance workloads Read More »

Increase agility and efficiency with managed DBaaS services

Increase agility and efficiency with managed DBaaS services

Aiven powers OVHcloud’s growing DBaaS portfolio, Managed Cloud Databases. Read this blog post from Aiven CTO, Heikki Nousiainen, to find out how their customers have achieved better agility and efficiency in the cloud – and how you can do the same! Why business agility is important For companies in today’s changing world, it’s crucial to

Increase agility and efficiency with managed DBaaS services Read More »

Object detection: train YOLOv5 on a custom dataset

Object detection: train YOLOv5 on a custom dataset

A guide to train a YOLO object detection algorithm on your dataset. It’s based on the YOLOv5 open source repository by Ultralytics. All the code for this blogpost is available in our dedicated GitHub repository. And you can test it in our AI Training, please refer to our documentation to boot it up. Introduction Computer Vision

Object detection: train YOLOv5 on a custom dataset Read More »