As a global player and the leading European cloud provider, we have witnessed first-hand the challenges and opportunities that the digital transformation brings to our continent. In this post, we would like to share our vision of how data sovereignty and trusted cloud help customers and partners. But also all private and public organizations to innovate, compete, and thrive in a globalized and fast-changing world.

Recognizing that data is now key to many industries, OVHcloud supports its clients in their data journey. Without compromising data sovereignty and trusted cloud. Nor performance or security. When building its open and trusted Cloud, OVHcloud ensured that customers, partners and cloud users alike can keep their freedom of choice on a secure space. Providing users with clear, transparent, and accessible information on regulations applying to their data. OVHcloud offers a trustworthy environment. A place where data, including the most sensitive one, is protected with the highest standards and transparent certifications. This unique proposition, backed by a resilient infrastructure, ensures that your data stays your data. All the while being immune to extra-territorial laws. We are confident that data sovereignty and trusted cloud can make a difference.
What is Trusted Cloud and how does it support data sovereignty?
Trusted Cloud provides the highest levels of security, privacy, and transparency for its users. It gives industries the tools and the confidence to leverage the cloud for their digital transformation, while preserving their values, interests, and competitiveness.
In other words, Trusted Cloud provides data protection and sovereignty, that encompass both cybersecurity and legal dimensions:
- It ensures that the data of its users is encrypted, and backed up. With this in mind, users keep track of their data usage and have full control and ownership over their data and the insights derived from it. Trusted cloud complies with the strictest regulations and certifications (SNC, C5…) and offers contractual guarantees to its users.
- It gives its users the visibility and the control over the operations of the cloud provider, such as where the data is stored, who can access it, and how it is processed.
OVHcloud Trusted cloud solutions contribute to the development of a European cloud market that is diverse, dynamic, and resilient. For this reason, our solutions comply with various certifications, including the highest known today in protecting organizations, industries, and governments’ interest: SecNumCloud.
What is SecNumCloud qualification all about?
SecNumCloud is issued by the French National Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI). Its goal is to guarantee that the cloud service meets the strictest requirements in terms of data protection, and data sovereignty. The SecNumCloud standard covers requirements relating to the service provider, its employees and the way in which services are provided. It guarantees the robustness of the solution in the face of the most common cyber-attacks, as well as the rigor and formalization of the service provider’s processes and methods. The qualification process is a long-term guarantee, ensuring a relationship of trust between service providers and ANSSI.
The requirements of SecNumCloud’s most recent qualification (SecNumCloud 3.2) guarantee the protection of cloud services from non-European law thanks to a combination of three types of measures:
– technical: watertightness test standards of information systems;
– operational: only the service provider can intervene on the resources supporting the service;
– legal: exclusive application of European law.
What is at stakes with SecNumCloud is the use of this qualification for both public administrations and private organizations. Domains – industry sectors – such as finance and banking, health and cybersecurity, anchor their expansion to their ability to protect cloud data and cloud services.
OVHcloud has recently received the SecNumCloud 3.2 qualification on three distinct datacenters located in France: Gravelines, Roubaix and Strasbourg. With an unparallel commitment to SecNumCloud, OVHcloud is a firm believer that the qualification can guarantee the future of business for industries and administrations. For which cloud is now a center piece and a driver for disruption. By providing them with a trusted cloud solution that enables to store, process, and share their sensitive and strategic data.
OVHcloud can support European public and private organizations:
– by offering them a range of cloud services SecNumCloud qualified (such as Hosted Private Cloud, which is a dedicated, scalable, and hybrid cloud solution);
– OVHcloud’s SecNumCloud services are hosted in its own data centers in France;
– OVHcloud ensures that no data is accessible, transferred, or processed outside the European Union.
Extended certifications to meet local regulations
While SecNumCloud is the highest standard of security and data protection available today, our Cloud is multilocal and meets a number of stringent international certifications, such as:
1. ISO/IEC 27001 (International): Widely adopted internationally, including in European countries, this standard focuses on information security management systems.
2. C5 (Cloud Computing Compliance Controls Catalog) certification (Germany): the certification is a recognized standard for cloud service providers that emphasizes information security and data protection. It is designed to ensure compliance with German and European data protection requirements. C5 incorporates elements from ISO 27001 but adds specific criteria tailored to cloud services.
3. ENS (National Security Scheme or Esquema Nacional de Seguridad) certification (Spain): it establishes a common framework of basic principles, requirements, and security measures for adequate protection of information processed and services provided by electronic means. OVHcloud has obtained the highest level of the ENS certification ENS High.
How OVHcloud is paving the way for trusted cloud in Europe
Trusted cloud is pivotal to our customers ensuring they can continue innovating through a secure, reliable, open, and sustainable cloud.
At a European level, OVHcloud meets the most demanding certifications in the countries/markets in which it operates.
Our Group supports the establishment of a future European Cloud Certification Scheme (EUCS), which would provide users with harmonized EU-wide certification and maintain the same high standards of transparency and data protection, including against extraterritorial legislation for the most sensitive data.
If you want to learn more about trusted cloud and how OVHcloud can help you achieve your digital ambitions, please visit our website.
We are convinced that trusted cloud is the future of cloud computing. That it is a strategic asset for the digital sovereignty and the competitiveness of the ecosystems in industries. We invite you to join us in this journey and to discover how OVHcloud can help you to achieve your digital ambitions with trust and confidence.
Links SecNumCloud Trusted Cloud Sovereignty
(1)SecNumCloud: Le visa de sécurité ANSSI