Have a look at our previous blog posts:
– Enhance your applications with AI Endpoints
– How to use AI Endpoints and LangChain4j
After explaining how to use AI Endpoints and LangChain4j in the previous post, let’s take a look at how to use streaming to create a real chat bot !
Create the project with Quarkus
Like the previous post about AI Endpoints we’ll use LangChain4j through a Quarkus extension: quarkus-langchain4j.
ℹ️ All the code source used in the blog post is available on our GitHub repository: public-cloud-examples/ai/ai-endpoints/quarkus-langchain4j-streaming ℹ️
First of all, you need to create a Quarkus application with the Quarkus CLI.
quarkus create app com.ovhcloud.examples.aiendpoints:quarkus-langchain4j-streaming \
ℹ️ For more details on the type of files are created, see the blog post How to use AI Endpoints and LangChain4j ℹ️
AI Service creation
LLM is used remotely via a LangChain4j AI Service.
Let’s code our service to create a chat bot.
package com.ovhcloud.examples.aiendpoints.services;
import dev.langchain4j.service.SystemMessage;
import dev.langchain4j.service.UserMessage;
import io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.RegisterAiService;
import io.smallrye.mutiny.Multi;
public interface ChatBotService {
// Scope / context passed to the LLM
@SystemMessage("You are a virtual, an AI assistant.")
// Prompt (with detailed instructions and variable section) passed to the LLM
@UserMessage("Answer as best possible to the following question: {question}. The answer must be in a style of a virtual assistant and add some emojis.")
Multi<String> askAQuestion(String question);
If you want more information about the purpose of SystemMessage and UserMessage you can read the documentation of the Quarkus extension.
Then, you have to configure the quarkus-langchain4j extension to use AI Endpoints.
### Global configurations
# Base URL for Mistral AI endpoints
# Activate or not the log during the request
# Activate or not the log during the response
# Delay before raising a timeout exception
# No key is needed
# Activate or not the Mistral AI embedding model
### Chat model configurations
# Activate or not the Mistral AI chat model
# Chat model name used
# Number of tokens to use
ℹ️ To know how to use the OVHcloud AI Endpoints product, please read the blog post: Enhance your applications with AI Endpoints ℹ️
AI chat bot API
Now it’s time to test our AI!
Let’s develop a small API.
package com.ovhcloud.examples.aiendpoints;
import com.ovhcloud.examples.aiendpoints.services.ChatBotService;
import io.smallrye.mutiny.Multi;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import jakarta.ws.rs.POST;
import jakarta.ws.rs.Path;
public class AIEndpointsResource {
// AI Service injection to use it later
ChatBotService chatBotService;
// ask resource exposition with POST method
public Multi<String> ask(String question) {
// Call the Mistral AI chat model
return chatBotService.askAQuestion(question);
Call the API with a curl command.
curl http://localhost:8080/ovhcloud-ai/ask\?question\=%22Can%20you%20tell%20me%20what%20OVHcloud%20is%20and%20what%20kind%20of%20products%20it%20offers\?%22
And that it!
In just a few lines of code, you’ve developed your first chat bot using Quarkus, LangChain4j and AI Endpoints.
This chat bot use the streaming mode, fell free to develop a web application to be more usable by humans 😉.
Don’t hesitate to test our new product, AI Endpoints, and give us your feedback.
You have a dedicated Discord channel (#ai-endpoints) on our Discord server (https://discord.gg/ovhcloud), see you there!
Once a developer, always a developer!
Java developer for many years, I have the joy of knowing JDK 1.1, JEE, Struts, ... and now Spring, Quarkus, (core, boot, batch), Angular, Groovy, Golang, ...
For more than ten years I was a Software Architect, a job that allowed me to face many problems inherent to the complex information systems in large groups.
I also had other lives, notably in automation and delivery with the implementation of CI/CD chains based on Jenkins pipelines.
I particularly like sharing and relationships with developers and I became a Developer Relation at OVHcloud.
This new adventure allows me to continue to use technologies that I like such as Kubernetes or AI for example but also to continue to learn and discover a lot of new things.
All the while keeping in mind one of my main motivations as a Developer Relation: making developers happy.
Always sharing, I am the co-creator of the TADx Meetup in Tours, allowing discovery and sharing around different tech topics.