
The birth of agile telemetry at OVHcloud.

The birth of agile telemetry at OVHcloud – Part I

In October 2018, just before the OVHcloud Summit, I joined the Product Unit Platform as Program Manager. A new challenge came with this new role… to support the team working on a new product: OVHcloud Managed Kubernetes. The deadline was short, we had lots of things to do, and we needed to provide visibility to both

The birth of agile telemetry at OVHcloud – Part I Read More »

TSL by OVHcloud

TSL (or how to query time series databases)

Last year, we released TSL as an open source tool to query a Warp 10 platform, and by extension, the OVHcloud Metrics Data Platform. But how has it evolved since then? Is TSL ready to query other time series databases? What about TSL states on the Warp10 eco-system? TSL to query many time series databases

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migrate-datacentre --quiet: How do we seamlessly migrate a datacentre?

migrate-datacentre –quiet: How do we seamlessly migrate a datacentre?

In our previous articles, we explained why we had to move 800,000 databases from one datacentre to another, 300 kilometres away. So here we are… We did it!Now we will focus on a very important goal of any migration. From your point of view, as a customer, you must see… Nothing! I understand this completely,

migrate-datacentre –quiet: How do we seamlessly migrate a datacentre? Read More »

OVHcloud Healthcare, aux petits soins pour vos SI de santé

Depuis octobre 2016, OVH propose de l’hébergement de données de santé à caractère personnel (HDS). Aujourd’hui, beaucoup de choses ont évolué : OVH est devenu OVHcloud, notre hébergement de données de santé est passé d’un agrément à une certification et plusieurs centaines de clients utilisent les solutions OVHcloud Healthcare. Forts de cette expérience, nous pouvons à présent

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Swift at OVHcloud

Dealing with small files with OpenStack Swift (part 2)

In the first part of these articles, we demonstrated how storing small files in Swift may cause performance issues. In this second part we will present the solution. With this in mind, I will assume that you have read the first part, or that you are familiar with Swift. Files inside files We settled on

Dealing with small files with OpenStack Swift (part 2) Read More »

OVHcloud Support changes

OVHcloud customer service changes

OVHcloud has always kept customer relationships at the heart of its strategy. Three years ago, by setting up the freephone (1007 number in France for instance), OVHcloud set itself apart from other providers by including high-quality support with its services. To address the structural challenges associated with this commitment in a period of rapid growth,

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OVHcloud Object Storage clusters support S3 API

OVHcloud Object Storage clusters support S3 API

What is Object Storage? Did you know that a large volume of data on the internet is held by object storage? Object storage is a static data storage solution which lets you simply expand storage without having to add more hardware. The benefits of this still misunderstood cloud service are multifold and they include high

OVHcloud Object Storage clusters support S3 API Read More »