Machine learning

AI at OVHcloud

Academics and OVH: an AI-centric collaboration

At OVH, our innovation process stimulates internal collaboration. We have seen this with frugal innovation, but also externally with SMEs, schools or laboratories. An example of collaboration with academics is a particular thesis launched this year, about Artificial Intelligence, which focused on Automated Machine Learning field. Collaborative research at OVH through a thesis A CIFRE […]

Academics and OVH: an AI-centric collaboration Read More »

Apache Spark & OVH Analytics Data Compute

How to run massive data operations faster than ever, powered by Apache Spark and OVH Analytics Data Compute

If you’re reading this blog for the first time, welcome to the ongoing data revolution! Just after the industrial revolution came what we call the digital revolution, with millions of people and objects accessing a world wide network – the internet – all of them creating new content, new data. Let’s think about ourselves… We

How to run massive data operations faster than ever, powered by Apache Spark and OVH Analytics Data Compute Read More »

Machine Learning with OVH Prescience

Prescience: Introducing OVH’s Machine Learning Platform

Machine Learning projects are becoming an increasingly important component of today’s search for more efficient and complex industrial processes. OVH Prescience is a Machine Learning platform that aims to ease the conception, deployment and serving of models in an industrial context. The system manages Machine Learning pipelines, from data ingestion to model monitoring. This involves

Prescience: Introducing OVH’s Machine Learning Platform Read More »

Deep Learning: A new hype

Deep Learning explained to my 8-year-old daughter

Machine Learning and especially Deep Learning are hot topics and you are sure to have come across the buzzword “Artificial Intelligence” in the media. Yet these are not new concepts. The first Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was introduced in the 40s. So why all the recent interest around neural networks and Deep Learning?  We will explore this

Deep Learning explained to my 8-year-old daughter Read More »


Understanding CI/CD for Big Data and Machine Learning

This week, the OVH Integration and Continuous Deployment team was invited to the DataBuzzWord podcast. Together, we explored the topic of continuous deployment in the context of machine learning and big data. We also discussed continuous deployment for environments like Kubernetes, Docker, OpenStack and VMware VSphere. If you missed it, or would like to review everything that was discussed, you

Understanding CI/CD for Big Data and Machine Learning Read More »