Between Thursday and Friday October 13-14, 2022, took place in Clermont-Ferrand, France.
As speakers, we are going to tell you how this edition of the first physical edition of Volcamp went.

Few words about the conference:
– 450+ attendees
– 3 keynotes
– 60+ conferences
– 30 sponsors

OVHcloud talks
Aurélie Vache – Keynote – (What if we learned to) Learn and share differently
We are currently about 7.9 billion people on Earth and we are all different but we have to fit into boxes, follow the same program, and we all have to learn in the same way.
What if I told you that it is possible to learn and share differently, to appeal to your imagination and your creativity and that it is beneficial for everyone?
In this talk, I tell a story, I tell you my story, how I went from a person who had lost his passions to the creation of sketchnotes, videos, talks that are out of the ordinary and illustrated books. We will see that sharing differently, that changing things is not easy but that it is important and that it is possible with a few tips, that other people have done it and that now it’s up to you :-).
And finally, we will see that we each have superpowers to use wisely.

Olivier Beautier – The IT’s hero’s journey
Did you know you were a storyteller?
As proof, you are able to predict the next scene in a movie or a series, or even guess who the killer is! This is completely normal, because from our youngest age, we have been rocked by stories, tales, legends, we have unconsciously integrated their mechanics.
In this original and interactive talk, we will use the concept of the Hero’s Journey to tell a story, directly inspired by your experiences, and show you that you have everything you need to tell great stories yourself.

David Apparicio – Security at the early stage of the project
In 2020, the number of cyberattacks has exploded worldwide. According to a recent report from the French National Agency for Information Systems Security (ANSSI), ANSSI operations in 2020 have increased fourfold, compared to the previous year.
The Covid-19 pandemic has multiplied the opportunities for destabilization (cyber attacks) in several sectors, including health: Rouen University Hospital, Narbonne, Montpellier, Dax, Villefranche-sur-Saône, Oloron-Sainte-Marie, Saint-Gaudens … The list of hospitals is getting longer.
Moreover, since the RGPD came into force, the protection of personal data as well as the security ‘by design’ become central subjects in our projects.
I will present the techniques used and I will also talk about the management’s awareness of these important aspects. Indeed, even being in the internal network of a datacenter, we are not safe from an intrusion. The 0 risk does not exist. ~ Security By Design 101

Thierry Chantier – IoT apéro
After months of not seeing each other, we can finally get together with friends to share a fun and friendly time. And if we can learn and understand things that we had to struggle to understand alone, it’s a huge bonus.
This is exactly what we propose to you through the Apéro IoT whose objective will be to have fun and to have the keys to launch our first IoT project. This cocktail party will be interactive, participative (it is not impossible that we invite people to come on stage)… and also realistic (no tricks)!
Our joyful makers will be Philippe, Thierry, Louis, and you, our dear public. We will be gathered around a drink, to take a look at this complex and controversial subject.
We will propose you a hardware, SDK and languages tour so that everyone can return home with wishes and ideas of projects to test or realize.

Eléa Petton & Stéphane Philippart – How about helping Captain Nemo classify sea monsters?
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, … We hear these terms every day, but what do they actually mean and how do we develop applications based on these concepts?
During this talk we will introduce you to the world of data and how easy it is, with the right tools, to embark on the adventure of data analysis and classification.
This talk will help developers discover how to develop learning applications and show that you don’t have to be a data scientist to develop your own machine learning or deep learning algorithm. We will show you how to create your first notebook with JupyterLab to help you take your first steps. This will be an opportunity for you to dive into the discovery of the underwater world by developing a model to identify and classify the sounds of marine mammals.
Finally, we will see together, with Streamlit, how to develop an application using this model.

Behind the scene
Many members of the team were accepted as a speaker. It was an opportunity to meet each others in real life in the center of the France!

As an attendee

Being present at this kind of event also means having the opportunity to see talks and have passionate discussions.
On the talks side, on top of my wonderful colleagues talks, I had the opportunity to see Pierre-Marie Aubineau who was sharing his personal experience as a indie game developer.
He explained how complex this kind of adventure is, the domains to master goes far beyond coding skills.
One of those domain is the marketing side of a game launch: his views on how he failed that point were really thoughtful.
His conclusion was full of reading advices and pointer to resources : a complete tour of what you need to start a game project.
Another important thing during that kind of event is the opportunity to have unplanned discussions with people full of passion.
For example, Friday morning on my way to the first coffe of the day, I stumbled upon Paul Pinault and we started a long, passionate and intense discussion about IoT.
He shared his vision of this domain and it was an opportunity for me to confront my ideas on the subject with someone experienced. Thanks a lot Paul!
As a DevRel
A DevRel in a conference is multi-tasking!
Attendee, speaker, keynoter, … and streamer! This Volcamp was the occasion for the team to stream a live Twitch from the conference.

You can find the replay here.
And, during a conference many things can happens … for example: speak, discuss impromptu, for more than an hour, accessibility, neuro atypia, associations of women in tech and public speaking.

As a Keynoter
In December 2021, I received a private message on Twitter, from an organizer, telling me that the Volcamp conference was looking for a speaker for the opening keynote and if that told me to be part of the adventure?
I admit that I have read this message several times.
Presenting the opening keynote of a conference, of their first edition in physics, is a lot of stress and pressure.
Creating this keynote was: 3 and a half months of creation, modifications, big big big doubts, revisions, the D-Day.
I was very stressed, but I really enjoyed doing this keynote, talking about a subject that has fascinated me for years, passing on the messages I wanted to convey while naturally sticking to the values of the conference.
It was a HUGE challenge for me. I put a lot of pressure on myself, a keynote is not nothing.
I’m very happy with all the feedback I’ve had, from people who spontaneously told me that it spoke to them, touched them, moved them, made them think and/or that it gave them the boost to do what they wanted to do, try, dare, and that’s really great. The word that came up the most is “inspiring” and that’s really the purpose of a keynote so I’m more than happy.
I was exhausted but super happy with these 2 days full of emotions, encounters, sharing, discussions…
Thank you again to the organizers for trusting me and to my pro / community and personal entourage for always being kind to me ❤️
Because we have to say it again and again, it is important to be well surrounded in order to push back your limits and constantly move forward.
In short, being a keynoter, it’s a great experience that I’m not ready to forget! 🙂
As a speaker
Lot of talks given par someone from OVHcloud. Each experience is different but it’s always the same feeling: sharing with other people is so wonderful.
The organization was top, as in many conferences and the location very pleasant.

As a wooden C letter
Everything was going well until a certain Aurélie attacked me just before the start of the keynote, a wonderful “icebreaker”…
Accordingly, we suggest that next year the event be renamed “Volamp”.
Can’t wait to return next year! … With all the team? 😉