Between Wednesday 29 June and Friday 1 July 2022, Breizh Camp took place, in Rennes, in France.
As speakers and sponsor, we are going to tell you how this 10th edition of BreizhCamp went.

Few words about the conference:
- 800+ attendees
- 4 keynotes
- 80 conferences
- 37 sponsors
OVHcloud talks
David Aparicio – Security by design
🇫🇷 La sécurité dès la conception du projet
In 2020, the number of cyberattacks has exploded worldwide. According to a recent report from the French National Agency for Information Systems Security (ANSSI), ANSSI operations in 2020 have increased fourfold, compared to the previous year.
The Covid-19 pandemic has multiplied the opportunities for destabilization (cyber attacks) in several sectors, including health: Rouen University Hospital, Narbonne, Montpellier, Dax, Villefranche-sur-Saône, Oloron-Sainte-Marie, Saint-Gaudens … The list of hospitals is getting longer.
Moreover, since the RGPD came into force, the protection of personal data as well as the security ‘by design’ become central subjects in our projects.
I will present the techniques used and I will also talk about the management’s awareness of these important aspects. Indeed, even being in the internal network of a datacenter, we are not safe from an intrusion. The 0 risk does not exist. ~ Security By Design 101

Benoît Masson – Browser Containers
🇫🇷 Des conteneurs dans mon navigateur
No whales in this presentation, but a great Firefox extension that only a few people know about: multi-account containers.
This enables the built-in browser container feature which restricts data access to navigation tabs from a single container. This allows more privacy, as well as extra features we are going to see in this talk.

Benoît Masson – Go Generics
🇫🇷 Go Generics
Long-awaited since the language launch and initially not desired by the language maintainers, Go 1.18 has just released the Generics feature. The specification being backwards-compatible, we did not have to wait for version 2!
We will see how it works with concrete examples, and how this enhances development with Go. In addition, we will talk about the choices made, and the future trends we can expect for upcoming versions.

Thibaut Rousseau – How I found my home using code
🇫🇷 Comment j’ai trouvé mon appart avec du code
How to find your dream home in a tight market? My solution was to code my own scrapers! To be the first to know as soon as a new listing that matches my criteria is on the market, I worked on a fullstack project with a small additional constraint: a budget of 0€. We’ll talk about scraping, Node.js, React, Puppeteer, Heroku, Clever Cloud, Gitlab CI, AWS, and even Raspberry Pi!

Stéphane Philippart – Kubernetes operators for any developer
🇫🇷 Les opérateurs Kubernetes à la portée de n’importe quel développeur.
Developing an operator can be rather impressive. Fortunately, different Frameworks have emerged, including the best known, Operator SDK, allowing an operator to be developed in Go, Helm or Ansible.
Before develop an operator, we will see together what is behind the notion of operators within Kubernetes: what they are used for and how they evolve in the Kubernetes ecosystem.
Once these basics acquired, we will develop together an operator allowing the management of an Nginx server.
Yes but which Framework / language to choose? Go? Helm? And why not Java?
I want to offer you all three! We will develop together the same operator in three different ways: with Helm, Golang and even in Java with Quarkus!
At the end of this talk, you will have the different elements to know if you need to develop an operator, how to develop it, and choose which language to use according to your knowledge!

Our booth
Once again, it was an opportunity to meet many interesting people. The retro-gaming contest, based on the famous “Ghost’n Goblins” game, was again a success. One atendee won the Nintendo Switch with the highest score, congratulations to him!

Behind the scene
As a speaker
Sometimes hasard do the thing well sometimes not! During this conference, one of us, had another remote conference. One of our main mind set is “adapt”, one talk of 2h hours the wednesday and one hour remote talk the next day 😅.
As a sponsor
Speaker and sponsor is not easy, you can’t be everywhere at the same time, even if you really want to 😉.
But, fortunately, we were lucky that several of you (awesome OVH colleagues) could come during these three days and honestly we still wanted to thank you, the booth was managed with a master’s hand, thank you!

Once a developer, always a developer!
Java developer for many years, I have the joy of knowing JDK 1.1, JEE, Struts, ... and now Spring, Quarkus, (core, boot, batch), Angular, Groovy, Golang, ...
For more than ten years I was a Software Architect, a job that allowed me to face many problems inherent to the complex information systems in large groups.
I also had other lives, notably in automation and delivery with the implementation of CI/CD chains based on Jenkins pipelines.
I particularly like sharing and relationships with developers and I became a Developer Relation at OVHcloud.
This new adventure allows me to continue to use technologies that I like such as Kubernetes or AI for example but also to continue to learn and discover a lot of new things.
All the while keeping in mind one of my main motivations as a Developer Relation: making developers happy.
Always sharing, I am the co-creator of the TADx Meetup in Tours, allowing discovery and sharing around different tech topics.