OVHcloud Engineering

Follow our adventurous engineering team through the various Tech universe they discover and share on through and for the technical communities

Sign Language recognition with AI

Create your solution for Sign Language recognition with OVHcloud AI tools

A guide to build a solution for sign language interpretation based on a Computer Vision algorithm: YOLOv7. Introduction In the field of Artificial Intelligence, we often talk about Computer Vision and Object Detection, but what role do these AI techniques play in the vast field of healthcare? We’ll see that data plays a key role […]

Create your solution for Sign Language recognition with OVHcloud AI tools Read More »


On July 24th 2023, AMD has issued a security bulletin disclosing a vulnerability in its Zen2 computer processor microarchitecture. Named “Cross-Process Information Leak” by AMD, the vulnerability is also known as “Zenbleed”. Labelled CVE-2023-20593 and rated by AMD as Medium, the issue allows an attacker to potentially access sensitive information processed by the CPU in

CVE-2023-20593/Zenbleed Read More »

Fine-Tuning LLaMA 2 Models with a single GPU and OVHcloud

Fine-Tuning LLaMA 2 Models using a single GPU, QLoRA and AI Notebooks

In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of fine-tuning LLaMA 2 models, providing step-by-step instructions. All the code related to this article is available in our dedicated GitHub repository. You can reproduce all the experiments with OVHcloud AI Notebooks. Introduction On July 18, 2023, Meta released LLaMA 2, the latest version of

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In a nutshell … Bye bye vScope, hello vRops

In a nutshell … Bye bye vScope, hello vROps

If you’re one of our Hosted Private Cloud managed VMware customers, you are probably familiar with the vScope view we’ve been providing for a long time. Well, this view will be soon replaced by a new dashboard based on VMware Aria Operations (vROps) This new dashboard includes more information that vScope. It still provides real

In a nutshell … Bye bye vScope, hello vROps Read More »

What's new in public cloud databases?

Major improvements for Public Cloud Databases

Did you know that our managed databases offers are more flexible and resilient than ever ? Let’s discover together what we released recently ! What’s new? Over the past months, we continued to gather feedback from our customers and improve our offers. Now powering thousands of databases clusters, we focused on the major requests discussed

Major improvements for Public Cloud Databases Read More »

OVHcloud at Devoxx France 2023

OVHcloud at Devoxx France 2023

Between Wednesday and Friday April 12-14, 2022, Devoxx France took place in Paris, France. As speakers and sponsor, we are going to tell you how this edition of Devoxx France went. Few words about the conference: Devoxx France is the biggest French tech conference (and one of the major European tech conference). This year, it

OVHcloud at Devoxx France 2023 Read More »

5 ground rules to secure your storage

My data is an asset. Let’s share the best practices to protect your data. If you feel that security is a constraint, it’s time to think again! In this blog post, I will share with you 5 simple rules that can be easily implemented to secure your back-ups without headache thanks to the “Objects Storage Standard-S3 API”

5 ground rules to secure your storage Read More »

Picking our Prometheus' remote storage

Picking our Prometheus’ remote storage

If you are running an IT system you are most likely using an Observability stack along it. Nowadays, the question’s no more whether or not you need Observability but more like how will you compose your stack. At OVHcloud, we have been running a scalable timeseries backend for years now. During the last year, we

Picking our Prometheus’ remote storage Read More »

Benchmarking Prometheus like a pro with k6

Benchmarking Prometheus like a pro with k6

In our previous posts about choosing a Prometheus remote storage we have seen how to set up a benchmarking infrastructure and how to benchmark promql performance. We have been able to obtain results but the whole benchmark is flawned in many ways: This blog post discuss how we should have benchmark our remote storage. How to

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