As part of our company’s ongoing business evolution, we are proud to fully embrace OVHcloud as our brand. The time is right for this change – transitioning to OVHcloud reflects fully who we are today and symbolizes our future.
Are you ready? The digital world around us is changing every day. It is shaping and reimagining how people work, how businesses operate, how governments govern, and people connect. This presents a tremendous opportunity and new challenges for technologists and entrepreneurs. At the heart of this change is data—management, security, and sovereignty are just some requirements for data and the infrastructure where it sits. We believe an open cloud plays a key role in building this new world based on data. With open standards, an open community, and the wisdom of a vibrant ecosystem—together, we produce a better, stronger outcome. An outcome where many more can leverage the technology, and where many more can benefit from building a better way.
As the alternative cloud provider, our goal is still to deliver excellent products, performance and support across all our offerings – and now importantly, to align OVHcloud to market demands and growth. At OVHcloud we commit to continue providing the innovation for freedom that has always given us the purpose and drive to serve our 1.5M customers around the world.
Over the next 12-months we will launch the OVHcloud brand, starting with our notable OVHcloud Summit event in Paris.

Our aim is to provide a simple, multi-local, open and transparent cloud that keeps the users, coders, developers, partners, administrators and operators in control of their data. We realize that the change in our visual identity is a process that can involve many steps and take time. We appreciate your kind support.