
OVHcloud releases its Hosting, Telecom and Collaboration roadmap on GitHub

OVHcloud is pleased to announce the release of our roadmap and changelog for the Hosting, Telecom and Collaboration universes, now accessible on OVHcloud GitHub. This release shows how committed we are to being transparent as we expand our services. Our goal is to give you a platform to voice your thoughts and suggestions, especially on […]

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SMAUG, the brand new OCHcloud backbone network infrastructure

SMAUG, the brand new OVHcloud backbone network infrastructure

The OVHcloud network has 34 PoPs (Points of Presence); located in Europe, North America and Asia-Pacific. With a global capacity of around 21Tbps, the OVHcloud network can handle much more traffic than other providers. At OVHcloud, network traffic is constantly growing to meet the needs of millions of internet users, who utilise our 31 data

SMAUG, the brand new OVHcloud backbone network infrastructure Read More »

Under The Box : découvrez les dessous d’OverTheBox

Permettre aux utilisateurs d’agréger plusieurs connexions pour sécuriser leur accès à Internet et démultiplier leur bande passante, tel était l’objectif du projet lancé fin 2014. Durant la phase de R&D, le cahier des charges s’est naturellement étoffé : possibilité d’amalgamer plusieurs technologies (xDSL, fibre, câble, 3/4G), fail-over actif, QoS, chiffrement, protection anti-DDoS… Embarquez dans les

Under The Box : découvrez les dessous d’OverTheBox Read More »