
Five ways to develop sovereign, sustainable AI solutions

Now that organisations understand AI and what it can achieve, businesses around the world are focusing on how to build it responsibly. Three of the five main themes at the Paris AI Action Summit examine the need for responsible AI, with separate streams on trust, public interest and good governance. These themes are not simple. […]

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Why ‘radical transparency’ should be your gold standard sustainability strategy for datacentres

There’s no doubt that the news headlines about the environment and sustainability topics make for fairly grim reading these days. According to the ONS, June 2023 was recorded as the hottest temperatures for the month in decades. The average weather forecast for the last five and ten years have been the highest set on record.

Why ‘radical transparency’ should be your gold standard sustainability strategy for datacentres Read More »

Why sustainability should be a priority for startups & scaleups

Why sustainability should be a priority for startups & scaleups

Sustainability has become an increasingly important global issue in recent years. According to the European Commission, over two-thirds of Europeans consider climate change to be a serious problem, and almost 60% believe that it is one of the most pressing issues facing the world today. For modern businesses, sustainability is crucial because it affects all

Why sustainability should be a priority for startups & scaleups Read More »