Venom, our tool that aim to manage and run your integration tests with efficiency, have been released few weeks ago in 1.0!
We will discover in this blog post, new features and changes contained in this major release.

Venom is a tool written in Golang, created in 2017, open-sourced and available on GitHub. It allows you to write and execute integration tests.
Concretely, you have to write testsuite in a YAML file. Venom run executors (scripts, HTTP Request, web, IMAP, etc.) and apply assertions. It can also generate xUnit result files.

The tool has a list of existing executors:
- amqp:
- dbfixtures:
- exec: (
is the default type for a step) - grpc:
- http:
- imap:
- kafka
- mqtt
- odbc:
- ovhapi:
- rabbitmq:
- readfile:
- redis:
- smtp:
- sql:
- ssh:
- web:
One of the powers of Venom is that it fits very well into a CI/CD pipeline.
Venom allows an export of the result in xUnit format and you can pass parameters from your CI/CD tool to the testsuites:
$ venom run mytestsuite.yml --var url=
--format=xml --output-dir="test-results"
A good practice can be to add the execution of this command as a step of your pipeline and thus use your preferred tools to visualize the results of the tests in order to know if there was no regression between two runs of your CI/CD pipeline for example.
Venom also supports TLS & mTLS for HTTP executor and a lot of cool features.
What’s new?
Venom 1.0, contains interesting new features compared to the previous version 0.28:
• User-defined executors:
• New builtin executors: amqp & mqtt
• The output of venom
command line (CLI) was rewritten. It’s much more readable with color and you can now debug testsuite.
• Variables helpers:
You can take a look at all other cool features in the Release Note:
User-defined executors
Let’s see in details this new feature.
You can define reusable testcase as executor, and call it from your testsuite files. This is a good way to abstract technical or functional behaviors and reuse them in complex test suites.
You just have to define your executor in a YAML file and then call it in your testsuite.
Create a lib/
folder. Then into it create a file called customA.yml
executor: hello input: myarg: {} steps: - script: echo "{\"hello\":\"{{.input.myarg}}\"}" assertions: - result.code ShouldEqual 0 output: display: hello: "{{.result.systemoutjson.hello}}" all: "{{.result.systemoutjson}}"
Then outside of lib/
folder, create you test suite in a file testsuite.yml
name: testsuite with a user executor testcases: - name: testA steps: - type: hello myarg: World assertions: - result.display.hello ShouldContainSubstring World - result.alljson.hello ShouldContainSubstring World
Notice the variable alljson
. All variables declared in output are automatically converted in a json format with the suffix json
. In the example above, two implicit variables are available: displayjson.hello
and alljson
You should have this files and folder organization:
.├── lib
│ └── customA.yml
└── testsuite.yml
1 directory, 2 files
Now we can execute our test suite. By default, Venom will load user’s executors from the lib/
directory relative to the testsuite path:
# executors will be loaded from lib/ directory relative to testsuite.yml file
$ venom run testsuite.yml
• testsuite with a user executor (testsuite.yml)
Note : if you want to add some external libs you wrote in others folder, you can with the --lib-dir
# executors will be loaded from /etc/venom/lib, $HOME/venom.d/lib and lib/ directory relative to testsuite.yml file $ venom run --lib-dir=/etc/venom/lib:$HOME/venom.d/lib testsuite.yml
With Venom, test cases can be managed like code: the readability of the test description means that the tests are part of the code reviews. Thanks to that, write and execute testsuites become easier for developers and teams.
We hope this blog post will help you to discover Venom & its new features. Don’t hesitate to give us feedbacks about it. You can also contribute, you can create issues and/or Pull requests(PR) in Venom GitHub repository.
Developer Advocate at OVHcloud. She is Docker Captain, CNCF ambassador, GDE, Women techmakers Ambassador & GitPod Hero. She has been working as a Developer and Ops for over 18 years. Cloud enthusiast and advocates DevOps/Cloud/Golang best practices.
Conferences and meetups organizer since 2016. Technical writer, a book author & reviewer, a sketchnoter and a speaker at international conferences.
Mentor and promote diversity and accessibility in technology.
Book author, she created a new visual way for people to learn and understand Cloud technologies: "Understanding Kubernetes / Docker in a visual way" in sketchnotes, books and videos.